Hello To fight fatigue during the day, start with having a good breakfast. No, not the traditional eggs and bacon with coffee or tea. You can start with a fruit or milk shake. In a hurry,think quick and easy, such as an old fashion peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread. Or […]
Back to School, Back to Work, Back to Basics It is easy as 1, 2, 3, Here are a few pictorial tips on being a choosy snacker. choose fruit and vegetables over chips because they are high in fiber, minerals and vitamins. Choose nuts for flavor and texture and a good source of antioxidants to […]
What is everyone talking about? Listen to Renee on the “Wellness Journey Show” with host Lynnis Woods-Mullins Thursday at 4pm EST Here is the link to the show I hope you can join me Renee
We’ve taken off our winter coats and jackets and are wearing clothing to accommodate hot weather. Most of us are not going to be comfortable with what we see in our mirrors but we can’t stay covered up and comfortable when the heat strikes. Here are some tips to making summer fitness easy, so that […]
erWe all can agree summer is fun, with family renuions and barbe-ques. On a hot summer day grilling hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken taste better than baking indoors. I believe it is the smells.laughter and the fun of eating outdoors in the heat or at night-time. However, one should use caution when eating outdoors. Food […]