5- Healthy Tips for the Summer

1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat more fresh vegetables and salads because cool foods kept you cool durning the summer 3. Drink Ice tea sweetened with fresh fruits. 4. Wear light cotton clothing to keep you cool and from becoming dehydrated. 5. Eat smaller light meals. For more details read HopeforWomen Magazine

Leave the Broken Vessel at the Well

Tune into my radio show to listen to Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry Minister | Speaker | Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry captivates the mind of not just women, but allows men to sensitize themselves to the passion that ordinary women experience through the pain that life undoubtedly brings and the testimonies that flow from the […]


Today at 630pm EST on Tune into me interviewing Jennifer Carr talking about her latest book ; INside HER SOUL Are you ready to remove the bandages, release the bondage and reclaim your true beauty. Tune in to Blogtalkradio About the Author Detroit native, Jennifer Carr is the President/CEO of soulSPOKEN Expressions, a conglomerate of […]

Affirmations for Success

Author Michelle A. Roberts is stopping by my radio show to talk about her latest book” Affirmations For Success” May 13, 2014 at 63pm on my radio show Michelle says, ” her book: is a collection of affirmations. An Affirmation is a statement that is carefully crafted to address an unwanted pattern and transform it […]

Meditation: God’s Plan for Your Wellbeing

Meditation: God’s Plan for Your Wellbeing The medical community is finally catching up to the rest of us who’ve been proponents of regular meditation as a part of an overall wellness plan. There are 48 verses in the bible that mention meditation and many, many more that stress the importance of being still, quiet and […]