Take back my Weight

Wow, This is the time of the year where most Americans gain 7 to 10 pounds by New Year’s
Why?Begining with Halloween, it’s the candy. Then Thanksgiving, with the overeating of desserts, turkey or Grandma’s mashed potatoes with loads of butter. But, Wait!!! it doesn’t stop there. Some of us, eat at home and at our nearest relative’s house.

If you have to eat at home and a relative house during the holiday. First focus on eaing the meat and starch at your house and then eat meat, vegetables at the relative’s house. Then at Grandma’s house eat only dessert. What is even better bring your low-fat dessert.

You can still lose weight without losing the taste.Add herbs and spices to your vegetables and meats. Mix vegetables together to add pizzaz to the meal, such as collard greens with mustard greens or kale with mustard green. Add onions, green peppers, and celery.

Spice up your meal with hot-oil flakes or hot -oiln or ginger.

Try to add freshly squeeze lemons to your meats, such as fish and chicken and parsley or rosemary. Broil the vegetables or with a little amount of oil instead of making mashed potatoes. which is loaded with calories.

If you have any suggestions, or ideas. Please send me an email on how you eat healthy at holiday time without gaining weight.


Renee Wiggins

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