Cook -for -Christ

listen to the interview:RADIO Toni Perry will discuss her latest book “Breaking through the Yoke(Yolk) on Being Fabulously Fit in God’s Kingdom Radio show at 630pm EST. Cook-for-Christ Toni Perry is the award-winning author of God’s Kitchen Food & Faith Bible Study: Breaking the Yolk Yoke: The Biblical Beginning…and End to Our Struggle With Food. […]

There is A Purpose in Your Pain and Moving Forward

    Listen to the RADIO SHOW Donna is known for her interactive style, upbeat delivery and her ability to connect with audiences on a deep level. Her 2nd book, “You Lost Me @ Hello: Actionable Principals That Move You Beyond Networking” was mentioned in Essence Magazine (March 2014).Known for her razor sharp insights, Donna […]

S.O . Intentional (words of Wisdom from a Poet’s Point of View)

Dr. Sheronda Orridge, is the owner of Loving Spirit Lie Coach Academy LLC and a Holistic Life Coach and Life Coach Trainer. She is also a life coach for Better Futures Minnesota where she coaches men returning home from prison and a career development coach at Frogtown Neighborhood Association . Dr. Orridge is a writer, […]

Unforgiveness by M.E. Porter

I am a mom, a mogul in the making and a minister. I am the CEO of Marilyn Elizabeth Unlimited LLC, a company comprise of 2 distinct coaching platforms : Align ME – I help women become keen,y aware of incongruence in their lives and stomp out inner chaos and confusion and Charming ME- teaching […]

Seeking God through Journaling-Presentor Cherylrese Barconia

Cherylrese Barconia is a creative, loving writer who embraces the characters of her newly released novel Broken Vessels (River Flow Publishing, 2012). This book captivates the essence of living life with the pain and mask of unforgiveness eating away and fermenting the heart while piercing the soul. Exposing the lives and experiences of eight ordinary […]