As a young girl, I remember my father saying, eat your vegetables. In our house we always had vegetables at diner especially two. Dad believed in eating two vegetables per meal. One day, mom cooked dinner and dad and I notice we only had mixed vegetables peas and carrots. Believe it or not, my father […]
Wow, congratulations, you have increase your consumption of fruits and vegetabales, however, there are a lot more scraps going into the garbage, Guess ,what you can turn those scraps into good soil . Read the latest informaton on developing a COMPOST PILE. click Here: COMPOST article from
We welcome Denine Rogers, a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Health Practitioner. She will talk on Gardening with Planting the Right Foods To build our Temple, so we can build a stronger foundation of good eating habits. Believe it or not cucumbers, tomatoes, kale, Collard greens and squash can be grown in clay pots in our […]
Collard greens are “cabbage like leaves” . They are in the “Brassica “family and are called cruciferious : fighting cancer . Collard greens grow up to 3-4 feet in height and have dark green leaves. . Growing up , I remeber we had collards greens on Sundays, because they cooked longer than string beans and cabbage. […]
This is the time of year to start your vegetable garden inside. First with seed, you will need to water them, and give them plenty of light. And the best time to take your plants outdoors is after Mother’s Day because there will be no frost and cold nights. Grow what you need, or freeze […]