Hello Being Fabulously Fit in God’s Kingdom: A 40-Day Journey to Wellness receives an award in the health catergory of the Christian Writer’s Contest sponsored by Xulon Press. I want to Thank my reader’s,friends and colleagues for your support and encouragment. Thanks Renee
Sadly Enough, may adults party into the night and work long hours during the day and as a result, they simply do not get the sleep they need. Some people actually boast about all that they are able to do with little sleep but that’s nothing to be proud of , not at all. Burning […]
What is your purpose in Life? Do you face adveristy head on ? Do you find time to laugh? Do you find time to help others? Is learning and growing a part of your life? Do We need to be spiritual and physical fit. Listen to Renee on www.blogtalkradio.com/fabulouslyfitin-godskingdom- December 31 at 6:30pm Thanks Renee
Hello Everyone Just 5 more days before the New Year begins, and everyone will be making/writing their New Year’s Resolutions. We all know the common ones are: 1. Lose weight 2. Start an excerise program. 3. Eat more fruits and vegetables and eat more whole grains. etc. I want people to think about taking small […]
“I will confess and praise You for, your are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are your works, and that my inner self knows right well. Psalm 139:14 AMP- Why we are not happy with our bodies?. Are you constantly trying to look like model yet your body type […]