Natural vs Organic :Which is better?

Natural does not mean organic. Natural means little or no processing. Organic means: no processing, no toxic chemicals no antiboditics and no chemical fertiilzers when processing.and , no petroleum-based fertiilzers. Foods usually cost more than the store brought. And the fruits are usually smaller and denser because they do not have the growt hormones add […]

Get Ready for the 7-Day Tele-summitt

Spiritual Body BuildingChange Your Mind, Change Your Temple, Change Your Life Coming April 28, 2014A 7-Day Tele-Summit Featuring 7 Dynamic Experts With Empowering Information To Build You Spiritually, Mentally and Physically Join me: Renee Wiggins, RD.LD, Certified Health and Wellness Coach Dr. Kara Davis, Board-Certified Internist Denine Rogers, Registered Dietitian, Holistic health Practitioner Elizabeth Madison, […]

Spiritual Body Building: Change Your Mind, Change Your Temple, Change Your life

Spiritual Body Building Change Your Mind, Change Your Temple, Change Your Life Coming April 28, 2014A 7-Day Tele-Summit Featuring 7 Dynamic Experts With Empowering Information To Build You Spiritually, Mentally and Physically Join me: Renee Wiggins, RD.LD, Certified Health and Wellness Coach Dr. Kara Davis, Board-Certified Internist Denine Rogers, Registered Dietitian, Holistic health Practitioner Elizabeth […]

Beyond Hypertension

Do you know your numbers? High blood pressure is called the “The Silent Killer” Why? becaue there are no symptoms to warn you. You can have high blood for years, without knowing it and the end result damage blood vessels that lead to the heart. Blood pressure is recorded with two readings? a. Systolic(upper number) […]

Going Green

Are you in with the latest craze? Is your kitchen up for the seal of approval:Going Green? No, I don’t mean painting your kitchen green, I mean are you shopping on a budget. Following a budget takes planning and the will power to stick to your budget. Sit down with the family and discuss how […]