Change Your Stinkin Thinking to Positive Thinking

LaTanyha Boyd is an empowerment coach and on Friday she will teaches us how to change our negative thinking to positive thinking. There is still time to register for the 7-Day TeleSummit with 8-Dynamic Speakers. Tell all your friends, family members and co-workers Register Here Thanks, Renee Wiggins Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Spiritual Body Building- Change Your Temple – Dr. Siobhan France

Welcome to the Spiritual Body Building: Change Your Mind, Change Your Temple, Change Your Life Dynamic Experts with Empowering Information To Build You Spiritually, Mentally, and PhysicallyToday’s Gues is Dr. Siobhan France, a physical therapist and her talk is on ‘Exercise for Healing and Longevity’ Listen to Dr. Siobhan talk how exercise can cause inflamation […]

Spiritual Body Building: Change Your Mind, Change Your Temple, Change Your Life

Apri 28, 2014 to May 5, 2014 A 7-Day Tele-Summit Featuring 7-Dyanmic Experts We welcome Denine Rogers, a Registered Dietitian and Holistic Health Practitioner. She will talk on Gardening with Planting the Right Foods To build our Temple, so we can build a stronger foundation of good eating habits. Believe it or not cucumbers, tomatoes, […]

Stinkin Thinking: Sprititual Body Building:

Come Meet LaTanhya Boyd , one of the speakers talking about changing your mind from Stinkin Thinking to Positive Thinking. Create the mindset of positive thinking. Register Today Stop hurting yourself with words and turn onto living an abundant Life.