As a kid, I loved Halloween because it is the one time of the year where I can eat a lot of candy for a week without hearing the word NO!!!!!.
But, I am older and I am a Heath and Wellness Coach, so my thoughts are on making ” Healthy Choices” .
So, what can you serve to the Trick or Treater?, the traiditonal is fruit, such as apple oranges or pears. What about pretzels, Poly O-cheese, (individual wrapped sticks). Raisins.
If you do not have a lot of Trick or Treaters, Gift cards to Pizza Hunt, they do offer vegetable pizza, or hot cocoa packs, Individual cheese and crackers or peanut butter and crackers.
Buy a Starbucks gift card and put 2 dollars on the card. They can buy hot cocoa and the parents can add money on the card to be reuse. A lasting gift.
This Halloween serve healthy and unhealthy candies, cookies and other treats. And be safe . Walk in numbers , wear reflecting suits, and carry your cell phone with you.
Trick of Treat