To Have or Have Not-Sugar

Excess Sugar can lead to obesity and poor health. To cut back on consuming too much sugar:   Learn to read the Food labels and try other alternatives to sweeting your foods.

What is Sugar?


Sucrose is the term for Sugar and it comes from sugar cane or sugar beets. It is a simple carbohydrate and it is found in a lot of foods.


Sugar adds taste to foods, acts as an additive, aAnd  thickner and a preservative. And give an apperance to some foods and provide texture to foods, like icing on a cake.


sucrose, galactose, fructose ,glucose, lactose(milk sugar), maltose ( in syrups). dextrose (gum) and mannose.

Other forms are:

corn syrup, dextrin, brown sugar, maple syrup, sorghum, honey, molasses, table sugar and in sugar alcohols ( sorbitol, mannitoal, dulcitol, and zylitol)


One teaspoon of sugar equals 15 calories. And sugar provides no minerals or vitamins.


Why reduce sugar in your diet?

Consuming too much sugar can lead to tooth decay, extra pounds which leads to obesityand bone disease.  In addition obesity can lead to diabetes, and elevate triglycerides (fats) in the blood which increases your risk of heart disease.

Where can we find sugar?  to be continued

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