Sticking to Your Goals

We are three months into the New Year and are you sticking with your New Year Resolutions or have they become Res-o-lies.

How can you stick to your goals?
1. Find a buddy to report to. You want someone you can trust and hold you accountable.

2. Write, recite and revist your goals. People who achieve their goals , write them down.

3. Having patience. Learn to relax: wait and work on each goal. Set a timeframe for your goals.

4. Being flexible: If plan A doesn’t work out then go to Plan B. Don’t get discourage if plan A didn’t work. Look at your goals and ask yourself: Was my goal realistic?

Sometimes we set our goals too high, only to have them fold because we didn’t truly look at the outcomes. We were in a hurry and it cost us.

Next time  make sure they are SMART  Goals, with a reason timeframe and don’t forget to be flexible.


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