Renee Wiggins and LaTanyha Boyd present “11-Day TeleSummit “Seeking God through Journaling Day One


Renee Wiggins, owner of Results By Renee and Empowerment Coach LaTanyha Boyd are hosting a 11-Day TeleSummit on ” Seeking God through Journaling” with 11-Dynamic Speakers.

They want to share their stories on how journaling, saying affirmations, writing devotions and making visionary boards help them to discover themselves.

And on September 15, 2014 we want to help you discover yourself and help your FAITH become stronger and deeper. Day one

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Our first Speaker is LaTanyha Boyd , is living her dream and walking in her calling to empoer and inspire others in “living in he Now”, the abundant life. Author La Tanyha, has traveled around the world via the airwaves as a Transformation Strategist delivering messages to jumpstart your day and vision , all the while infused with Faith ,Hope, & Determination leaving you with a mindset of I CAN DO THIS! Challenging others to Take Action to go higher in their careers, fulfill their goals and walk in their purpose.

Author Boyd often shares messages that; ” Life is all about living and when we can have Spiritual Food , it nourishes us like nothing else.” Penning her first Bestselling book

Spiritual Food for  Thought: 31 Inspirational Quotes to Jump Start Your Day! Spiritual Food for Thought, is touted to be a soul stirring read as it consist of deeply inspirational messages that offer daily words of empowerment and promote spiritual growth for its readers.

The book is immensely thought provoking and takes its readers on an immeasurably inspiring journey towards self discovery while it also challenges them to pursue greatness and positivity in life..

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