Help, My Body Doesn’t Belong To Me


When I was younger, I didn’t think about aging because I was busy focusing on the moment. But, now, I notice my body is not the same.

STOP , where did it go? In June of 2012, I tripped and sprained my ankle and it took 3 months of therapy to help bring the swelling down. However, I am still in pain, and I cannot wear heels for a couple of hours.

In addition my rotator cup is torn in two places and still I am not back to what I was before.
I notice, it takes me longer to heal. Aging is no fun. So, I decided to take care of myself this year and stop focusing on taking care of other. It may sound selfish, but I cannot take care of others when I cannot take care of myself.


I started inhaling essentials oils and putting them on the bottom of my feet before going to bed. I inhale , Purfication by Living Young. I notice, I feel and sleep better. Yes, that it is true, I sleep through the night,without having to go to the bath room and getting up to see what time it is.

At night I used lavender, because it calms my body and promotes relaxation. And I drinking more water.

Twice a week I used roesmary for my hair and notice that it has become thicker.

Not everyone believes in oils but I know they work for me.

Here is how you can use essentials oils
• Pain Creams (PanAway or Peppermint)
• Burn Ointments (Lavender)
• Depression (Frankincense)
• Strengthen Immune System (Frankincense)
• Relieve Sore Throat Pain and Kill Strep Bacteria (Thieves)
• Sinus Tablets (Peppermint)
• Sleep Aids (Lavender, Peace And Calming)
• After Shave (Lavender)
You can place peppermint in your drinking water or tea to help with pain. Lavender is good for burns too, but mix with another oil. Diffusing Frankincense in your house can promote happines and reduces depression.
Need help with using essential oils. Please email me for more inforamton.


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