August 1-7th is Simply Your Life Week

August 1-7 Simplify Your Life Week
Technology is growing in leaps and bounds. Most of the technology is supposed to make our life easier; however, I believe we have become slaves to technology. We are so attached to our phones that we forget about appointments, leave our children at the day care, and even text while driving.
What is happening to us? We cannot do anything without our computers, phones, tablets, etc. Professor John Turner stated in an interview he went 21 days without social media. It was challenging, but, he realized he didn’t need to be on social media every day.
After a split from a longstanding relationship, I found myself without a TV for 4 months. No TV and radio. I didn’t miss it. As a matter of fact, I read more books in 4 months than I did the previous year. I read my bible every day and read self-help books. I felt good.
Technology is supposed to simplify our lives, but, I think we have become slaves to it. Yes, there are tools online that save us some time, but, we waste more time online than we should.
So, I am asking you to for the week of August 1 to 7th to simplify your life. I want you to cut back, or remove yourself from social media for 7 days and let me know how you feel.

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