Today, May 26th at 630pmEST Listen to Susan B. Meade on the RADIO
My name is Susan Burfoot Mead and I’ve been blessed to be married to my soul mate, Holt Mead, since 1979. I think the first 30 years we spent working on learning what soul mates are…Or should I ask him if we are still working on that?
I am the mother of two sons, Matthew, who lives in South Louisiana and Kyle, Forever 20 and in Heaven, where he is doing a Dance with Jesus. Kyle’s been there since March 29, 2008.
I wrote the book Dance With Jesus: From Grief to Grace as the answer to a question posed in the Experiencing God Bible Study I was in the midst of doing. The question asked was what does God want you to do, right now?
I heard deep in my spirit, “Sing My love song.” And laughed out loud. Seriously God, You will have to send me a bucket, because You KNOW I can’t carry a tune. Then the next deep spiritual nudge was, “What’s in your hand? Use it.” I was writing in the workbook, so a pen was in my hand…