Seeking God through Journaling-Presentor -John C.Turner- Day 3


John C. Turner, M.S is a native of and current resident in Indianapolis, Inidiana. John is a alum of Indiana State Univeristy (Terre Haute, IN.) where he received his B. S. in Electronics Technology (2005) and M. S. in Student Affairs and Higher Education (2007). After graduation from Indiana State Unversity. John has strived to live in Excellence of Jesus Christ and lives a life to encourage the young and the old alike to be passionate in every facet of their lives.

John works as an Assistant Director of Academic Advising and Part-time Adjunct Professor at Ivy Tech Community College, Central Indiana.

John’s works have crossed the globe with his articles being featured on such web sites as “BlacklifeMoi, com’,”YourBlackWorld,com,” and his a regular contributor on BlacklifeCoaches .net. John Turner manages his own blog” Professor JT” at johnturnerworld.blogspot.con

John has also written a book ” The Art Form of P.A.S.S.I.O.N. which can be found on and


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