Leave the Broken Vessel at the Well

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Tune into my radio show to listen to Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry

Minister | Speaker | Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry
Author Cherylrese Barconia-Henry captivates the mind of not just women, but allows men to sensitize themselves to the passion that ordinary women experience through the pain that life undoubtedly brings and the testimonies that flow from the forgiveness of God and themselves. Broken Vessels is Barconia’s third book. Author Barconia shares with Jump Start Your Day Blog, how “society has women competing with each other, and not able to sensitize with one another because of the common denominator consisting of pain from the past or obstacles of the present hindering forgiveness.

About the BookIn Cherylrese’s latest release “Broken Vessels,” she explores how forgiveness is the key to all situations in order for the soul to be set free and experience life to the fullest.
Cherylrese Barconia is a creative, loving writer who embraces the characters of her newly released novel Broken Vessels (River Flow Publishing, 2013). This book captivates the essence of living life with the pain and mask of unforgiveness eating away and fermenting the heart while piercing the soul. Exposing the lives and experiences of eight ordinary women journeying separately but cohesively, Barconia entangles herself with each personality to seize the moments of brokenness, mending, healing and restoration.

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