If you looked at the films of the 30’s to the 60’s, you rarely see overweight eople. Yes, there were some, but not like today. The statitics show that 2.4 million people are overweight. Obesity affects everyone., from medical costs that are climbing : to a lower quality of life. How can we stop or control […]
As a nutritionist, I am always asked what fats are good for me? Unsaturated fats are good for you. Sources: fish and plant foods. There are two kinds: Polyunsaturated fats : should be less than 7% of your total calories Monounsaturated fats: should be less than 14% of your total calories. The mediterranean diet […]
Well Summer will soon be over and everyone will be returning to work. Some of us have gained weight due to family reunions, back-yard cookouts, vacations etc. Most people when they go on vacaction they leave behind their diet and exercise plan. I bet there are some folks who threw their […]
How do you dress your salad? There are so many varieties of salad dressings from regular to low-fat or non-fat. Yet, the American people still choose high-fat salad dressing and spour the salad dressing on their salad which becomes a dressing with salad and not a salad […]
Get Ready for the Healthy Living Challenge. Learn how to eat right and exercise properly. Learn how to read the Food Labels Having trouble deciding what to have for Breakfast. Be Ye Transformed and sign up for the challenge sign up here:www.beingfabulouslyfit4God.com