Staying Positive

January begins a New Year and millions of Americans plan to   lose weight and by February 15th, the day after Valentine’s Day they quit.

Why do so many quit?

The Key is Staying Positive.

There will be ups and downs in life, however, it’s how you approach the downs will determine your progress.

1. Be committed-Stay on track

2. Work with a partner. People who have an accountability partner are more likely to succeed in their weight loss program.

3. If you fall, jump back on the horse. No one is perfect, but if you are willing to stay on the path. You will WIN.

4. Set realistic goals. SMART Goals-

S=Specfic. Don’t try to lose 10 pounds in one week.  Losing  one pound per week is better and you will not fail.

M=Make sure the goals are measurable. By decreasing your portion sizes. You can see the results.

A= attainable. It is easy to measure and lose one pound in one week than 10 pounds.

R=reasonable. Cutting back on portion sizes is easier than counting calories.

T= By setting a time frame, will hold you committed. To say I want to lose weight, is not  reasonable. To say I want to lose one pound per week by cutting back on my portion sizes.: is better. this statment show a time and how to achieve the goal.

To Stay Positive is having the right attitude. Even in the valleys, you can win.

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